Indigestion can be described as pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen. It is also known as dyspepsia. Over 25% of the general population is affected by dyspepsia, with each person describing their symptoms differently - stomach pain, stomach ache, heartburn, bloating, or fullness after only small amounts of food.
In most cases, indigestion is related to eating and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fullness in the stomach or belching. Sometimes, indigestion can be caused by other factors, such as an infection or taking certain medications.
Indigestion is caused by stomach acid coming into contact with the sensitive, protective lining (mucosa) of the digestive system. The stomach acid breaks down the mucosa, causing irritation and inflammation, which brings on the symptoms of indigestion.
Indigestion is a common problem and many people have it from time to time without needing to seek advice from a healthcare professional. However, in some cases indigestion can be a sign of an underlying condition affecting the digestive system, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD).
It is therefore important to seek medical advice if you have indigestion regularly, if it is particularly painful or if you suddenly experience it having never experienced it before.
Indigestion Causes
Indigestion causes can be medical or simply what you've eaten...
Acid Indigestion Symptoms
Know these symptoms and be certain it isn't a more serious condition.
Indigestion Remedies - Antacids
Discover which ones work best and what you need to know before taking them.
Indigestion and Pregnancy
Increased hormone levels are the main cause of indigestion during pregnancy. Digestion problems are very individual, but these tips can help tremendously...
Coriander: a tasty spice that helps tame indigestion.
Coriander seeds can be used for making medicinal teas to soothe an upset stomach, treat indigestion, and relieve intestinal gas...
By Mortin - Copyright 2010
Last modification 06/02/2010
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