AcidReflux-Heartburn-GERD.net writer and editor Mortin does not have, nor makes any pretense of having, any professional standing in any field of medicine. Information presented is gleaned from personal experience, publicly available books and articles, and various sites on the internet.
The contents of this web site are for informational purposes only and in no way are intended as a substitute for treatment by a health care professional.
You are strongly urged to consult a mental health care professional for treatment for Anxiety Disorders or other mental illnesses.
This web site is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The articles posted on this web site are for informational purposes only. You should contact your physician if you have any questions about your medical condition, or if you need medical help. If you need emergency medical help, you should immediately call 911 or your physician.
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 16/12/2009
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