The most important player in the acid reflux drama is your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a valve located a the point where the esophagus meets the stomach. This valve allows food to enter the stomach and is supposed to shut tight to prevent the backwards flow (reflux) of acidic stomach contents back into the esophagus. A malfunctioning LES may not close properly and produce a number of unpleasant reactions, each recognized as acid reflux symptoms.
We need to take acid reflux more seriously because many patients are under-treated and are self-medicating with antacids, or using nothing, when there are effective treatments available. Diagnosis is key so we need to be aware of acid reflux symptoms to watch out for.
• burning sensation in chest (heartburn)
• burning feeling in the back of the throat
• tightness or discomfort in chest
• Hoarseness or sore throat
• regurgitation
• sour taste in the mouth
• difficulty swallowing
• cough
• laryngitis
• sleep disturbance
• wearing down of the enamel of your teeth and increased cavities
• gingivitis
• Water Brush (this term describes a flood of excess saliva and acidic liquids rising from your esophagus into your mouth. It is a thick whitish liquid that some describe as looking like beaten egg yolks.
• bad breath
• chronic sore throat
• constant throat clearing
• waking up at night coughting and choking
• copious salivation
• chronic sinus infections
chronic vomiting
Many people will occasionally exhibit some acid reflux symptoms from overeating or eating very spicy foods. Taking an antacid usually helps and problem over if you don't have gerd. But if you do, the pain will be ongoing and happen with increased frequency until you receive treatment.
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 31/12/2009
Acid Reflux Symptoms - References
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