Are Antacids an Effective Remedy for Acid Reflux?
Antacids come in many formulations with different active ingredients to neutralize acid — some are more effective than others and some may have side effects you should be aware of...
Do Antacids Have Side Effects?
Antacids are drugs that contain multiple ingredients that can interact with other medications or medical conditions and cause the following side effects...
What Are The Most Effective Over-the-counter Medicines for Acid Reflux?
Antacids are first-line therapy for mild or infrequent heartburn; however, sometimes these medications will not work or are simply not appropriate. To properly understand...
H2 Blockers or Proton Pump Inhibitors — How do they Compare?
H2 blockers reduce acid production, whereas PPIs block acid production altogether. Lets cut through the marketing hype and understand what each does...
What are the Side Effects of H2 blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors?
Side effects are very similar between H2 blockers and PPIs and the effects are generally dose dependent: with higher doses comes an increased risk of potential side effects...
How and When Should Acid Reflux Medications be Taken?
Different acid reflux medications have different mechanisms of action — each with their own requirements for how and when they should be taken, how long they last and how frequently they need to be used...
What If My Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Working?
How to be sure you are taking your acid reflux medication for maximum efficiency and when it would be advised to change your prescription...
When Can I Stop Taking Acid Reflux Medication?
Once you stop taking the medication, damage to the esophagus by acid can reoccur — most patients will use their meds for life but for some who have changed their lifestyles...
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 31/12/2009
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