Should I have Surgery for Acid Reflux?
A tricky question that requires an evaluation of how severe your symptoms are versus cost, the effectiveness of your medication, age and weight considerations, your overall quality of life...
What is the Best Surgery for Acid Reflux?
There are two major ways to gain access to the abdomen: open operations and laparoscopic operations. In a classic operation, the surgeon uses a scalpel...
What are the Long-term Benefits and Risks of Acid Reflux Surgery?
Sstudies show that surgery is effective in the short term, for a couple years, and helps improve acid reflux symptoms and esophagitis and decreases the need for medication...
Will I Still Need Acid Reflux Medications After Surgery?
Short-term studies (2 years after surgery) show that surgery decreases the risk of esophagitis and improves acid reflux symptoms when compared...
Will Surgery Improve Barrett’s Esophagus?
Few studies have addressed this question - some studies suggest it is possible but the general consensus suggests that antireflux surgery is not effective treatment for Barrett’s esophagus...
How do I Find and Evaluate a Surgeon?
The most important issue in finding a surgeon for anti-reflux surgery is evaluating the surgeon’s experience. Many studies have shown...
What is a Stretta Procedure?
Stretta, or radiofrequency ablation, is for patients who have failed to improve with medication and who do not want or cannot have a surgical repair...
What is an EndoCinch?
The endoscopic stitching devices approved by the FDA are the Bard EndoCinch, the NDO Surgical Plicator and the Wilson-Cook Endoscopic Suturing Device. Each device requires a different technique...
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 31/12/2009
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