This video shows an endoscopic video of a esophageal dilation using a balloon dilator.
Esophageal dilation is usually performed with sedation to help the patient relax, along with a local anesthetic spray, An endoscope is passed through the mouth and into the esophagus. The dilation device is then guided in and inflated, usually to three progressively wider settings.
The endoscope does not interfere breathing, though the patient may experience mild pressure in the back their throat or chest during the procedure.
After the dilation is done, the patient will be observed for a short period of time and then allowed to return to normal activities. Most patients experience no symptoms after this procedure and can resume eating the next day, but may experience a mild sore throat for the remainder of the day.
Although complications can occur even when the procedure is performed correctly, they are rare when performed by doctors who are specially trained. A perforation, or hole of the esophagus lining occurs in a small percentage of cases and may require surgery. A tear of the esophagus lining may occur and bleeding may result. Some doctors look for very minor bleeding to assure the dilation has been sufficient to open the stricture.
Read more about Esophageal dilation.
GERD Surgery - Esophageal Dilation: References
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 30/12/2009
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