For most people GERD symptoms are mild and infrequent, and are considered as no more than an inconvenience. In some cases GERD symptoms can be significant and disabling, seriously affecting the persons quality of life.
A US survey into the impact of GERD on quality of life showed that although more than 60% of suspected GERD sufferers in the USA classify their symptoms as moderate or severe, 35% have not consulted a doctor. 8% of all adults suffer from heartburn or acid reflux at least twice a week and GERD symptoms have a significant negative impact on the patient’s quality of life, with:
Testing the acidity of the esophagus in GERD patients using a pH probe frequently reveals an esophageal pH below 4, demonstrating that patients with GERD have extensive esophageal acid exposure. This pH value is the generally accepted cut-off between physiological and pathological reflux and is much more common in patients with symptoms than in patients without. Furthermore, the frequency of GERD symptoms is directly related to the degree of esophageal acid exposure. [Joelsson & Johnsson, 1989]
GERD Symptoms - References
By Mortin - Copyright 2010
Last modification 05/02/2010
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