West Columbia, S.C. – Did you know that more than 60 million Americans suffer from chronic acid reflux disease? This painful condition causes heartburn and other problems. But now, Lexington Medical Center’s Riverside Surgical Group will be first in the Midlands to offer a cutting-edge incisionless surgery that will reduce or eliminate chronic acid reflux.
The procedure is called EsophyX TIF. During EsophyX TIF, a surgeon inserts a special tool through a patient’s mouth to repair and reconstruct the body’s primary barrier to acid reflux. The 30 to 45 minute procedure under general anesthesia offers the advantages of no scarring, faster recovery and no incisions to the body. Most patients go home the next day and return to normal activities within a few days. In recent studies, patients reported an 80 percent improvement in quality of life and reduction or elimination of heartburn symptoms.
EsophyX TIF is designed for patients who are not happy with current medication for chronic acid reflux or those who are concerned about the long-term effects of daily use of reflux medications. The procedure uses the FDA cleared EsophyX surgical device from EndoGastric Solutions.
EsophyX offers advantages over reflux medication. Medication can help relieve symptoms, but doesn’t solve the underlying anatomical problems or prevent further disease progression. After EsophyX TIF, clinical trials show that most patients can eat foods and drink beverages they have avoided previously because reflux no longer impacts their lives.
Dr. Marc Antonetti, Dr. Jim Givens and Dr. Glen Strickland of Riverside Surgical Group, a Lexington Medical Center physician practice, will perform EsophyX TIF. Each surgeon is receiving special training for the procedure.
Dr. Antonetti and two representatives from EsophyX TIF will be present at the seminar. To register, call (803) 791-2828. For more information about EsophyX TIF at Lexington Medical Center, visit www.riversidesurgical.lexmednetwork.org.
Lexington Medical Center, in West Columbia, S.C., anchors a county-wide health care network that includes six community medical centers throughout Lexington County and employs a staff of 5,100 health care professionals. The network also includes the largest extended care facility in the state, an occupational health center and physician practices. At its heart is the 384-bed state-of-the-art Lexington Medical Center, with a reputation for the highest quality care. Lexington Medical Center won “Best Hospital” by readers of The State for ten years in a row, “Best Hospital” by readers of the Free Times, “Best Place to Have a Baby” by readers of Palmetto Parent and the “Consumer Choice Award” from the National Research Corporation. Visit www.lexmed.com
Source: dBusinessNews Cincinnati (press release) January 06, 2010
By Mortin - Copyright 2010
Last modification 05/02/2010
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