Is Acid Reflux Serious?
Acid reflux is a serious disease when it goes untreated or is ignored. It can cause pain or discomfort with complications effecting other organ systems, including the sinuses, ears, airways, and lungs...
What Causes Acid Reflux to Develop?
In addition to weight, dietary issues, alcohol consumption, and anatomic factors, other medical conditions or medications for other problems can also lead to acid reflux symptoms...
Can I have Acid Reflux Without Heartburn?
“Silent" acid reflux is a difficul condition to diagnose. Instead of complaining of heartburn, often some people report sleep disruption, cough, sore throat, hoarseness...
Does Acid Reflux Cause Bad Breath?
Mouth symptoms, including bad breath can occur due to acid reflux. The acid can travel up from the stomach through the esophagus...
Are Daytime and Nighttime Acid Reflux Different?
Management and prevention of day versus night acid reflux symptoms are different. Acid production varies at different times...
Can Acid Reflux Cause Changes In My Voice?
Chronic acid damage of the larynx can cause voice changes and even cause growths (polyps) to develop and can increase your risk of cancer...
Can Exercise Cause Acid Reflux?
Exercise can cause problems with acid reflux because of its effects on the digestive system and the physical positioning and pressures it places on the stomach and the esophagus...
Can Stress Cause Acid Reflux?
Stress-related factors may result in flares of acid reflux during emotionally difficult times. Stress hormones may increase stomach acid production...
Can Smoking Cause Acid Reflux?
Smoking does not directly cause acid reflux though it can significantly worsen acid reflux symptoms. The nicotine in cigarette smoke can reduce the ability of the lower esophageal...
Can Medicines Cause Acid Reflux?
Though medications are rarely the direct cause of acid reflux, they can make symptoms considerably worse. The three main reasons are as follows...
What Medications Can Make Acid Reflux Worse?
Medications to be aware of if you have acid reflux include medications for antidepressants, high blood pressure medications, antinausea medications, pain medications, hormones...
How Can I Avoid Acid Reflux When Taking Medicine?
By following our suggestions you can avoid the major problems related to acid reflux caused by medications...
Does Acid Reflux Get Worse With Age?
You didn't think it would get better did you? As you age, the tendency is that you will slowly gain weight, contributing to acid reflux symptoms. And there's more...
Does My Weight Affect My Acid Reflux?
Extra abdominal weight can lead to stomach contents and acid being forced up, exposing the esophagus to acid reflux symptoms...
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 31/12/2009
Q&A - Causes and Symptoms of Acid Reflux - References
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