What kind of doctor treats acid reflux?
Your primary care doctor will do the initial evaluation of acid reflux. Your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist...
What is an upper GI series?
An upper GI series - also called a barium study, barium swallow, or barium esophagram — is a simple test done in the X-ray or radiology department...
What is an endoscopy?
A detailed explanation of exactly what to expect if you are going to have an endoscopy, from preparation through recovery.
Does endoscopy hurt?
Endoscopy is not painful—no cutting or incisions are made. Sometimes patients experience is a sore throat that lasts for a couple days after the procedure...
Are there risks with endoscopy?
Endoscopy is a safe and routine procedure. The major risks involve the anesthesia...
How is biopsy of the esophagus done?
A small biopsy forceps is passed down the endoscope and a tiny pinch of tissue is removed and sent to a pathologist. The nerves of the gut do not feel the cut...
Do they check for H. pylori with an endoscopy?
Biopsies are done for Helicobacter pylori in patients who have ulcers or a history of prior ulcers because they may have a chronic H. pylori infection.
What effects of acid reflux does an endoscopy show?
Irregularities such as esophageal rings, ulceration, discoloration, acid-resistant abnormal mucosa may be seen patients with acid reflux...
What is a a motility study?
A motility study, also called a manometry study, is an exam that measures pressure in the stomach and esophagus and the physiology of the esophagus...
What is a pH study?
A pH study measures the amount of acid present in the esophagus and how long it stays there. A probe and monitor is worn for about 24 hours to record how often acid reflux occurs...
By Mortin - Copyright 2009
Last modification 31/12/2009
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